Monday, April 23, 2012

Illuminating The Unconscious
When we sit and "stop" we have the capacity to see the unseen, the hidden unconscious becomes conscious.  Have you ever been in a crowded noisy room and tried to hear what's going on around you, it's not easy. But if everyone in the room became silent you would begin to hear many sounds in the room that you were unaware of. It's the same with natural meditation. Because your stopping and allowing everything to be as it is, your mind and body begin to settle naturally and you begin to notice thoughts, feelings and stories that you were previously unaware of. This is truly seeing and has the power to illuminate the darkest parts of ourselves as well as those parts of us that bring more joy and contentment into our lives.

We can begin to see how these unconscious experiences, that are usually below the surface, effect our every day lives and how we act and speak around others. We can see our urge to push away and hide from those things that we perceive to be unpleasant and grasp onto those experiences we want to keep. For most of us this judging and preferencing is happening below the surface and creates suffering for us. Why? Each time we judge something good or bad, right or wrong, pleasant or unpleasant we are creating an argument with the way things are. The tree does not hold on to its leaves when fall comes or yearn for them to return in the spring. There is a natural flow at play and we are part of the flow. 

The good news is that all we need to do to reenter the flow is stop and listen to what’s arising; to see clearly the unconscious stories and begin to open to the natural pendulation (the natural movement of contraction and expansion) of life. Then we can begin to rest as awareness and be comfortable in our bodies and in the present moment.